
歡迎訪(fǎng)問(wèn)重慶光大產(chǎn)業(yè)有限公司官方網(wǎng)站 SRM平臺(移動(dòng)網(wǎng)絡(luò )用戶(hù)) | SRM平臺(電信網(wǎng)絡(luò )用戶(hù)) | 平臺郵箱 | 平臺OA | 收藏
公司憑借創(chuàng )新的經(jīng)營(yíng)理念、雄厚的技術(shù)力量、先進(jìn)的硬件設備,優(yōu)質(zhì)的售后服務(wù),連續多年被評為渝北區工業(yè)企業(yè)10強和重點(diǎn)工業(yè)企業(yè)。已獲得CFME、上汽通用五菱、重慶長(cháng)安等多家汽車(chē)生產(chǎn)廠(chǎng)家《優(yōu)秀供應商》稱(chēng)號;并榮獲中國市場(chǎng)品牌戰略管理聯(lián)合會(huì )頒發(fā)的《中國汽車(chē)安全帶產(chǎn)品市場(chǎng)公認十佳品牌》證書(shū)。
公司秉承“愛(ài)崗、敬業(yè)、和諧、增效”的企業(yè)精神,追求卓越,一路領(lǐng)先;堅持 “團結、創(chuàng )新、求實(shí)、奮進(jìn)”的工作態(tài)度;堅持“精心策劃設計、嚴格過(guò)程控制、產(chǎn)品安全可靠、持續顧客滿(mǎn)意”的質(zhì)量方針,銳意進(jìn)取,開(kāi)拓創(chuàng )新,在保持同中國前十大汽車(chē)集團同步發(fā)展的同時(shí)向合資品牌進(jìn)軍,為汽車(chē)工業(yè)的騰飛貢獻更優(yōu)質(zhì)的產(chǎn)品和更良好的服務(wù)。
Founded in 1998, Chongqing Guangda Industrial Co., Ltd. is a private company specializing in designing, manufacturing and servicing automotive components.
Located at the foot of Liuma Mountain Ecological Park in Chongqing Airport Industry Park, the company covers an area of 106 acres. After over twenty years’ development, the company has developed into a big group company comprised of several derivative company, including: Chongqing Guanghao Machinery Co., Ltd., Chongqing Jingle Electronics Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Chongqing Qianxiang Automotive Safety Equipment R&D Co., Ltd., Chongqing Dungen Property Management Co., Ltd., Chongqing Qiangen Logistics Co., Ltd., Chongqing Guangqian Automotive Components Manufacturing Co., Ltd.. The main products are automotive safety belt assembly, automotive engine flywheel assembly, flexplate assembly, ring gear, timing plate, hinges, rear parking assist, rear parking video, driving recorder, 360 panoramic image, electric door window switches, alarm, etc. and an annual sales of over billion CNY.
With innovative business philosophy, strong technical force, advanced hardware equipment and excellent after-sales service,Top 10 Industrial Enterprise and Key Industrial Enterprise of Chongqing Yubei District for successive several years; Excellent Supplier of CFME, SGMW, Chongqing Changan, etc.; "Top 10 Brands Recognized in China's Automobile Seat Belt Product Market" certified by China Market Brand Strategy Management Association.
The management and quality assurance system are robust. We have awarded Ford Q1, 3C Certification, Emark Certification, IATF16949 Quality Management System, Environmental Management System Certification, Occupational Safety Management System Certification. Our products are delivered to European, American, Southeast Asian market and many provinces of China. We supply parts to over 50 vehicle and engine plants, including: FAW, SAW, SAIC, Changan, CAF, Dongfeng Nissan, BAIC, GAC, Geely, Great Wall, Cherry, Zotye,BYD, CNHTC,etc..
We have always upheld the spirit of “ dedication, devotion, harmony and efficiency“, strived for excellence and leading the industry, adhered to the attitude of “unity, creation, pragmatic and diligence”, stick to the quality policy of “meticulous planning and design, strict process control, reliable and quality product, and continuous customer satisfaction ”. We will keep pace with China top 10 auto groups,  get in joint ventures supply chain, provide better product and service to the automotive industry. 

地址:重慶市渝北區兩路空港工業(yè)園區長(cháng)翔路8號 E-mail:gdxs@cqgdcy.com 郵編:401120 電話(huà):023-67182666-2666

Copyright 2018-2026 重慶光大產(chǎn)業(yè)有限公司版權所有 ALL Righted Reserved. 技術(shù)支持:三九互聯(lián) 備案號:渝ICP備18008427號-1
